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Study Guide

Overview and Test Objectives
Field 139: Elementary and Secondary (PK–12) School Administrator

Test Overview

Table outlining the test format, number of questions, time, and passing score.
Format Computer-based test (CBT)
Number of Questions 80 multiple-choice questions and 1 constructed-response assignment
Time 3 hours and 45 minutes*

*Does not include 15-minute CBT tutorial

Test Objectives

Table outlining test content and subject weighting by sub area and objective.
Subarea Range of Objectives Approximate Test Weighting
1 Visionary Leadership and Continuous School Improvement 001 14 percent
2 Instructional Leadership, School Culture and Learning Environment, and Faculty Development 002–004 27 percent
3 Organizational, Resource, and Operational Management and Legal Guidelines 005–007 21 percent
4 Stakeholder and Community Relationships, Professional Norms, and Ethics 008–009 18 percent
5 Educational Leadership 010 20 percent

Hover over each subarea for details of subtest content or see table above.

Sub area 1 14%, Sub area 2 27%, Sub area 3 21%, Sub area 4 18%, and Sub area 5 20%.

Subarea 1—Visionary Leadership and Continuous School Improvement

Objective 001—Apply knowledge of the collaborative process for the development and implementation of a school mission and vision that reflect core organizational values and priorities, and how to lead continuous school improvement processes that promote success and well-being for every student.



Subarea 2—Instructional Leadership, School Culture and Learning Environment, and Faculty Development

Objective 002—Apply knowledge of how to provide a comprehensive, coherent, and equitable curricular and instructional program using research-supported best practices in instruction and assessment that promote academic success for every student.


Objective 003—Apply knowledge of how to build and sustain an inclusive, supportive school culture and learning environment focused on high expectations, equity, and achievement and well-being for every student.


Objective 004—Apply knowledge of systems for supervising, supporting, and evaluating school staff performance and how to build a professional culture and provide professional development activities that help ensure success and well-being for every student.



Subarea 3—Organizational, Resource, and Operational Management and Legal Guidelines

Objective 005—Apply knowledge of principles and practices of human resources and organizational management to develop the school's professional capacity, support continuous school improvement, and help ensure success and well-being for every student.


Objective 006—Apply knowledge of school-level governance; principles and practices for fiscal and resource management; and their use in promoting the achievement of educational goals and ensuring an efficient, equitable learning environment.


Objective 007—Apply knowledge of laws, policies, regulations, and rules affecting education, including the legal and policy dimensions of school safety and emerging challenges.



Subarea 4—Stakeholder and Community Relationships, Professional Norms, and Ethics

Objective 008—Apply knowledge of how to build positive, productive relationships with parents/guardians and families, community members and partners, and other stakeholders to meet school goals and promote the success and well-being of every student.


Objective 009—Apply knowledge of professional norms, ethical guidelines, and behavior expectations for principals and other educators that promote success and well-being for every student.



Subarea 5—Educational Leadership

Objective 010—Analyze and interpret information about a school's instructional program, climate, and culture, including student achievement data, teacher information, and survey data, and describe a strategy to address school issues relevant to the analysis.
