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Study Guide

Field 139: Elementary and Secondary (PK–12) School Administrator
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Subarea 1—Visionary Leadership and Continuous School Improvement

Objective 001 
Apply knowledge of the collaborative process for the development and implementation of a school mission and vision that reflect core organizational values and priorities, and how to lead continuous school improvement processes that promote success and well-being for every student.

1. A principal is overseeing the development of a school improvement plan focused on increasing scores on state assessments. The principal collaborates with a team of teachers, staff members, and other stakeholders to analyze the root causes of low assessment scores and to identify the goals the school hopes to accomplish. To ensure implementation of the plan can be monitored effectively, the principal should ask the team to also include:

  1. a list of resources that will be required to meet each goal.
  2. clear criteria for evaluating the relative priority level of each goal.
  3. a strategy for gaining the school community's support for each goal.
  4. specific outcomes that will indicate when each goal has been achieved.

Correct Response: D.

Subarea 2—Instructional Leadership, School Culture and Learning Environment, and Faculty Development

Objective 002 
Apply knowledge of how to provide a comprehensive, coherent, and equitable curricular and instructional program using research-supported best practices in instruction and assessment that promote academic success for every student.

2. An elementary school has been piloting a new mathematics curriculum for the past two years. To evaluate the curriculum's effectiveness, the school's principal meets with the mathematics team to analyze the results of benchmark assessments, specifically looking at the percentage of students who have met or exceeded grade-level standards. Which of the following actions should the principal take next in using the assessments to evaluate the curriculum?

  1. reviewing the assessment data with teachers and discussing the validity of the data
  2. sharing with teachers how the standards for the assessments were defined and set
  3. working with teachers to identify trends in student performance on the assessments
  4. asking teachers to compare students' progress reports to their assessment scores

Correct Response: C.

Objective 003 
Apply knowledge of how to build and sustain an inclusive, supportive school culture and learning environment focused on high expectations, equity, and achievement and well-being for every student.

3. Before the start of the school year, the principal of a high school in a district characterized by increasing poverty rates determines the dropout rate has increased by approximately 10 percent over three school years. Further analysis reveals that currently, approximately 60 percent of students graduate in four years and approximately 30 percent go on to college. In responding to these findings, which of the following steps would be most effective for the principal to take first?

  1. increasing the amount of money and support that is available for programs that prepare students for college
  2. providing extra intervention services for those students who are at the highest risk for dropping out of school
  3. working with stakeholders to identify ways in which the school can respond to the changing needs of students
  4. meeting with parents/guardians to discuss supplementing school instruction with home support for student learning

Correct Response: C.

Objective 004 
Apply knowledge of systems for supervising, supporting, and evaluating school staff performance and how to build a professional culture and provide professional development activities that help ensure success and well-being for every student.

4. A principal leads a school at which several new teachers hold Interim Teaching Certificates while enrolled in the alternative route preparation program. Induction programming for these teachers will most likely promote retention if it includes:

  1. additional professional development opportunities focused on basic instructional practices.
  2. mentorship and support for the completion of professional education requirements.
  3. formation of a professional learning community to study challenges faced by program participants.
  4. at least four classroom observations and conferences per year, with an emphasis on positive feedback.

Correct Response: B.

Subarea 3—Organizational, Resource, and Operational Management and Legal Guidelines

Objective 005 
Apply knowledge of principles and practices of human resources and organizational management to develop the school's professional capacity, support continuous school improvement, and help ensure success and well-being for every student.

5. A school principal meets once a week with teachers and support staff. During the meeting, the principal always covers the following standing agenda items:

  1. Summary of the discussions that took place at the previous meeting
  2. Progress report on tasks that were assigned at the last meeting
  3. Update on the "state of the school" and any new issues that must be addressed
  4. Assignment of tasks to be completed before the next meeting

Including these topics at each meeting is likely to have which of the following effects on teachers and support staff?

  1. motivating teachers and staff to work hard in furtherance of the school's mission, vision, and goals
  2. demonstrating to teachers and staff that their input is welcome and their work is appreciated
  3. developing a collegial atmosphere that promotes collaboration between teachers and staff
  4. demonstrating to teachers and staff that they are accountable for fulfilling their responsibilities

Correct Response: D.

Objective 006 
Apply knowledge of school-level governance; principles and practices for fiscal and resource management; and their use in promoting the achievement of educational goals and ensuring an efficient, equitable learning environment.

6. As part of the process of gathering data to inform the development of the school budget for the upcoming year, a principal meets regularly with the faculty in order to have detailed discussions of school needs. One important benefit of this practice is likely to be:

  1. helping faculty understand budget constraints and competing priorities in the upcoming budget.
  2. generating enthusiasm among faculty members for the efficient use of resources in the upcoming budget.
  3. enlisting faculty assistance in explaining the budget to parents/guardians and other stakeholders.
  4. encouraging collegiality and compromise among faculty members with regard to competing budget priorities.

Correct Response: A.

Objective 007 
Apply knowledge of laws, policies, regulations, and rules affecting education, including the legal and policy dimensions of school safety and emerging challenges.

7. During a recent school building inspection, several violations of fire safety rules were discovered. The principal now plans to undertake a thorough review and analysis of all the safety-related rules at the school. The most effective first step for the principal to take in this process would be to:

  1. review all relevant state and local safety codes and mandates.
  2. meet with the principals of other local schools to learn how they have addressed safety issues.
  3. hire local contractors to recommend changes to safety equipment.
  4. determine the origins of the school's current safety procedures and how they evolved over time.

Correct Response: A.

Subarea 4—Stakeholder and Community Relationships, Professional Norms, and Ethics

Objective 008 
Apply knowledge of how to build positive, productive relationships with parents/guardians and families, community members and partners, and other stakeholders to meet school goals and promote the success and well-being of every student.

8. A school's leadership team has set a goal of expanding community engagement in the school. In leading these efforts, the school's principal consistently involves faculty members in identifying opportunities for community involvement. Which of the following potential benefits of this practice is likely to be most important for meeting the school goal?

  1. building faculty understanding of resources within the community that can support instruction and student activities
  2. increasing the visibility of faculty leaders within the school and the community
  3. establishing channels for two-way communication between faculty members and individuals in the community
  4. enabling faculty members to recruit school volunteers from the community

Correct Response: A.

Objective 009 
Apply knowledge of professional norms, ethical guidelines, and behavior expectations for principals and other educators that promote success and well-being for every student.

9. A principal is approached by a teacher with a request to borrow folding chairs and tables from the school for a party the teacher is having over the weekend. The best way for the principal to respond to this request would be to:

  1. forward the inquiry to the district superintendent for approval.
  2. allow the teacher to borrow the items if they are returned promptly.
  3. review the staff handbook to see if borrowing school property is allowed.
  4. inform the teacher this would be an inappropriate use of school property.

Correct Response: D.