The registration and score reporting services on this website will be temporarily unavailable on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time, for system maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Understanding Your Test Results

An individual's performance on an MTTC test is evaluated against an established standard. The passing score for each test is established by the MDE and is based on the professional judgments and recommendations of Michigan educators.

Passing status is determined on the basis of an examinee's total test performance. All test results are reported as scaled scores. The scaled score is a conversion of the number of scorable test questions you answer correctly to a score from 100 to 300, with a score of 220 or higher representing the passing score. Numeric total test scores will be reported only for examinees who do not pass the tests.

A passing status on a subject-area test will remain valid (for the purpose of a recommendation for initial certification or for an additional endorsement on an existing certificate) for a period of five years. Once a subject-area endorsement has been issued for a teaching certificate, a teacher is not required to retake the MTTC test in that subject area.

Performance Information After Testing

For tests with multiple-choice questions only, preliminary test results are provided at the test center at the conclusion of your test session. This is a preliminary report only. Information provided at the test center upon completion of the test is for individual reference only and may be subject to change on your official score report. No decisions about subsequent registrations or the issuing of teacher certification may be made on the basis of a preliminary report. Final passing status may only be confirmed using an official score report, which will be sent according to the score report schedule.

Scoring Constructed Responses

Information about the scoring of constructed responses, including performance characteristics and the score scale, is available in the preparation materials. The world language tests include constructed-response assignments; select a test to access the preparation materials.

How to Read Your Score Report

Score Report Explanation

Your score report is provided to you with information about how to read your score report. You can also review that information here.

Annotated Score Report

View a sample that represents the type of score report you will receive and that includes explanations about important score-related information. Also notice the inset sample for the report of a score that "Did Not Pass".

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