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Study Guide

Field 136: Professional Knowledge and Skills (7–12)
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Subarea 1—Learner-Centered Supports

Objective 001—High School Learners

1. A high school class includes students who have experienced trauma. The teacher can most effectively create a responsive environment for the students by adopting which of the following practices?

  1. organizing students into small groups to provide emotional support to peers
  2. embedding affective goals and objectives for students into content-area instruction
  3. implementing intentional relationship-building activities with students to create a sense of belonging
  4. outlining clear consequences for inappropriate behaviors to promote students' individual accountability
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Correct Response: C.

Objective 002—The Learning Environment

2. Teachers who utilize an asset-based approach to instruction focus primarily on which of the following goals?

  1. creating an environment that cultivates in students a growth mindset that emphasizes continuous progress
  2. providing students with exemplars for assignments to encourage attention to quality of work
  3. monitoring students' performance through frequent formative assessment strategies
  4. fostering in students a sense of connection within the school environment
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Correct Response: A.

Objective 003—Instructional Practice

3. Which of the following data sources would best enable teachers to adapt instruction to support all students in achieving targeted content-area standards?

  1. learning preferences surveys
  2. participation frequency charts
  3. standardized achievement tests
  4. formative classroom assessments
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Correct Response: D.

Subarea 2—Professional Knowledge and Strategic Partnerships

Objective 004—Ethics and Professional Growth

4. Following professional development on identifying signs of abuse and neglect, a teacher suspects that a student in the teacher's class may be in an abusive home environment. The teacher has which of the following responsibilities in this situation?

  1. following mandated reporting protocols
  2. contacting the student's parentorguardian
  3. reporting concerns to a school administrator
  4. referring the student to the school counselor
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Correct Response: A.

Objective 005—Strategic Partnerships

5. High school teachers plan a series of town-hall style meetings where students can interact and ask questions of various artisans, professionals, and expert technicians across a range of fields. The meetings include a brief introductory presentation by the guest, followed by student questions. Which of the following outcomes is the most important benefit of this approach for students?

  1. deepening students' understanding of the relationship between school and work
  2. guiding students in making informed course selections for their graduation plans
  3. helping students pursue a career pathway that is aligned to their skills and abilities
  4. broadening students' knowledge of different pathways from school to the workforce
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Correct Response: D.