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Study Guide

Field 127: Visually Impaired
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Subarea 1—Understanding the Visual System and Optics as Related to Teaching Students with Visual Impairments

Objective 001—Apply knowledge of the visual system and factors affecting the development of students with visual impairments.

1. Which of the following characteristics is typically present in a student with retinitis pigmentosa?

  1. loss of peripheral vision
  2. increase in eye pressure
  3. congenital cleft in a portion of the eye
  4. visual impairment caused by a lesion in the occipital lobe of the brain
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Correct Response: A.

Objective 002—Apply knowledge of the principles of optics, optical and nonoptical devices, and environmental adaptions to support student learning and independence.

2. A teacher of students who are visually impaired instructs a middle school student with low vision to use a magnifier with a high-power lens accurately. Which of the following principles is most important for the teacher to convey to the student?

  1. Most users prefer holding the magnifier 2 inches closer than the focal distance.
  2. Magnifiers with a larger lens circumference have a greater magnification ability.
  3. A magnifier with higher power will have a narrower field of view through the lens.
  4. A magnifier with a high-power lens is more useful for scanning large surface areas than for reading small, detailed areas of text.
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Correct Response: C.

Subarea 2—Assessing Students and Developing Individualized Programs

Objective 003—Apply knowledge of various assessment instruments and assessment practices for evaluating the strengths and needs of students with visual impairments.

3. A teacher of students who are visually impaired uses a functional vision assessment (F V A) to evaluate a student with low vision. This assessment can most effectively evaluate which of the following characteristics?

  1. the student's contrast sensitivity and light sensitivity
  2. the most appropriate literary program for the student
  3. the prognosis of the student's eye disease or condition
  4. the student's need for occupational or physical therapy
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Correct Response: A.

Objective 005—Apply knowledge of procedures for developing, implementing, and amending Individualized Education Programs (I E Pees) and Individualized Family Service Plans (I F S Pees) for students with visual impairments.

4. A multidisciplinary evaluation team (M E T) conducts an evaluation to determine if an eight-year-old student diagnosed with amblyopia is eligible for special education services as a student with visual impairment. The student's optometrist reports a refracted visual acuity of 20 40 in each eye. Based on this information, the M E T should take which of the following steps?

  1. recommending that a certified school psychologist conduct an evaluation to determine the student's cognitive level
  2. confirming that no additional information is required as the student is automatically eligible for special education services due to the reported visual acuity
  3. requesting that the teacher of students who are visually impaired conduct a functional vision and learning media assessment (F V L M A) to determine the educational impact
  4. suggesting that a certified orientation and mobility specialist (C O M S) evaluate the student to identify if they have difficulties with safely and independently navigating through the environment
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Correct Response: C.

Subarea 3—Instructional Planning and Delivery, the Learning Environment, and Expanded Core Curricula

Objective 006—Apply knowledge of principles of academic, literacy, and communication skills development for students with visual impairments.

5. A teacher of students who are visually impaired works with a three-year-old child whose corrected visual acuity is 20 one-fifty. The teacher wants to provide the child's family with suggestions to support the child's emergent literacy development. Which of the following initial actions would be most appropriate for the teacher to recommend that the family take to promote this goal?

  1. completing reading homework assignments together about books their child has read with the teacher in class
  2. instructing their child to use context clues to determine unknown words
  3. hiring a tutor to teach their child to read and write braille
  4. exploring books and listening to stories with their child
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Correct Response: D.

Objective 007—Apply knowledge of ways to promote literacy and communication skills for students with visual impairments.

6. Which of the following rules is applicable when writing the word adhered in contracted braille?

  1. In words that end in -ed, the ed contraction must be used.
  2. The initial letter contraction can only be used at the beginning of a word.
  3. Use of the initial letter contraction results in fewer braille cells being used in this word.
  4. In words that use the same number of braille cells, preference is given to use of strong groupsigns over initial letter contractions.
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Correct Response: D.

Objective 009—Apply knowledge of strategies and methods to individualize instruction in the expanded core curriculum (E C C).

7. A six-year-old student with a visual impairment needs instruction in getting dressed independently. The student can pull on elastic-waist pants and pull a shirt over their head, but needs support with fastening zippers and buttons. Which of the following actions would be most appropriate for the teacher of students who are visually impaired to teach the student how to fasten zippers and buttons?

  1. asking the student to sort articles of clothing based on type of clothing
  2. requesting that the student's parent/guardian only dress them in clothes they can maneuver independently when at school
  3. giving the student a list of the steps required to fasten a zipper or a button and requesting that the student perform the steps in order
  4. providing the student with hands-on experiences with a variety of zippers and buttons until they are able to complete the skill on their own
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Correct Response: D.

Subarea 4—Building Collaborative Partnerships and Professional and Ethical Practice

Objective 010—Identify practices to promote and develop collaborative partnerships to support students with visual impairments.

8. A teacher of students who are visually impaired wants to share important information with the other educational personnel who provide services to a student who has low vision. The teacher determines that having an in-service training is the most efficient way to convey this information to the educational team. Which of the following actions would be most important for the teacher to take when presenting the training?

  1. avoiding use of the student's real name to protect the student's privacy
  2. quoting recent journal articles and research papers on the prevalence of low vision
  3. asking the principal to attend the meeting to confirm that the services the school will provide to the student are required by law
  4. demonstrating the student's equipment and material needs and providing a print copy of the student's academic and functional needs
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Correct Response: D.

Objective 011—Apply knowledge of professional and ethical roles and responsibilities relevant to teaching students with visual impairments.

9. According to the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (M A R S E), educators shall determine the programs and services for a student with a visual impairment by considering which of the following?

  1. severity and multiplicity of the student's impairments
  2. availability of paraprofessionals to work with the student
  3. recommendation from the student's general education teacher
  4. results of a functional behavior assessment (F B A) on the student
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Correct Response: A.

Multiple-Subarea Passage

Use the information to answer the two questions that follow.

A teacher of students who are visually impaired collects the following data on a 14-year-old student with optic atrophy and no other disabilities as part of an expanded core curriculum (E C C) assessment.

Expanded Core Curriculum (E C C)
Annual Needs Consideration

a student's self assessment
E C C Skill Area Mastered Emerging Needs Instruction Notes:
1. Makes choices X intentionally left blank intentionally left blank intentionally left blank
2. Demonstrates knowledge of disability and needs intentionally left blank intentionally left blank X Knows name of visual impairment, does not demonstrate knowledge about the impairment
3. Demonstrates knowledge of strengths and weaknesses intentionally left blank X intentionally left blank intentionally left blank
4. Demonstrates self-advocacy for needs intentionally left blank intentionally left blank X intentionally left blank
5. Sets and reaches goals intentionally left blank intentionally left blank X Doesn't set personal goals
6. Rejects unneeded assistance intentionally left blank intentionally left blank X Always accepts offers of assistance from others
7. Requests assistance intentionally left blank X intentionally left blank Requests assistance too often when not needed
8. Answers questions about being visually impaired intentionally left blank intentionally left blank X Just stays quiet; won't respond
Objective 004—Apply knowledge of procedures for conducting assessments and for interpreting and communicating the results of assessments to address the individual strengths and needs of students with visual impairments.

10. Which of the following goals would be most appropriate for improving the student's self-advocacy skills based on the assessment results presented?

  1. The student will select from two or more activity options in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
  2. The student will work with a partner to complete learning activities in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
  3. The student will respond clearly and accurately to questions about their disability in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
  4. The student will request assistance from others when experiencing difficulty with technology in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
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Correct Response: C.

Objective 008—Apply knowledge of methods for creating learning environments and experiences that encourage active engagement and support access to instruction for students with visual impairments.

11. Based on the assessment results presented, which of the following strategies should the teacher of students who are visually impaired use to increase the student's self-determination skills?

  1. suggesting that the student identify a peer who demonstrates assertiveness and pairing the student with this peer during classroom projects
  2. asking the student to keep track of instances during which they observe other students or adults in the environment advocating for themselves
  3. talking with the student about the uses of the various assistive technology tools the teacher of students who are visually impaired has selected for the student to learn to use
  4. identifying with the student a skill the student would like to learn and making a plan for how the student and the teacher of students who are visually impaired could monitor progress toward learning the skill
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Correct Response: D.